Become a Member
Join Our Exclusive Membership Platform
Unlock a world of benefits and discounts by joining our membership platform designed for individuals who value quality and savings. As a member, you’ll gain access to a wide range of exclusive perks, including special discounts on products and services, members-only events, premium content, and more. Whether you're looking to enhance your business, save on training, or connect with a like-minded community, our membership platform has something for everyone.
Why Join?
Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy significant savings on local businesses, and online services.
Premium Content: Access expert advice, guides, and resources tailored to your interests.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow members at exclusive events and online forums.
Early Access: Be the first to know about new products, special offers, and upcoming events.
Personalised Perks: Receive customised benefits based on your preferences and activities.
Join today and start experiencing the advantages of membership!
Join Beautypreneurs
Leadership Member (£350 a year)
Leadership Membership is for individuals who have been working in the industry for 5+ years, run a revenue generating business, own a salon/clinic/Academy in the beauty and wellness space.
- Weekly Leadership newsletter
- Use of Beautypreneurs Logo
- Access to Exclusive Leaders Whatsapp Community
- Invite only leadership dinners
- Free entry to events
- Free entry to online events
- Discounted entry to conferences/summits
- Discounts on Social Media Support
- Discounts on access to Content creation studios
- Discounts on Public Speaking Training
Student Member (£69 a year)
Student Membership is for individuals currently studying to work or build a business in the beauty or wellness space.
- Weekly newsletter
- Use of Beautypreneurs Logo
- Access to Whatsapp Community
- Discounted entry to events
- Discounted entry to online workshops
- Discounted entry to conferences/summits
Professional Member (£180 a year)
Professional Membership is for individuals who have some experience in the beauty industry. You are currently starting or developing a business.
- Weekly newsletter
- Use of Beautypreneurs Logo
- Access to Whatsapp Community
- Free/discounted entry to events
- Free/discounted entry to online events
- Discounted entry to conferences/summits
- Discounts on Social Media Support
- Discounts on access to Content creation studios
- Discounts on Public Speaking Training
Join our global network
The beauty entrepreneurship network is a community designed to support and empower beauty professionals in their entrepreneurial endeavors. It serves as a hub where individuals in the beauty industry can connect, collaborate, learn, and grow together.